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CJC-1295 No DAC Nasal Spray


CJC-1295 NO DAC peptide nasal spray holds potential benefits in supporting muscle growth, enhancing fat metabolism, and potentially aiding in the management of age-related hormonal imbalances.

15ml contains 2mg CJC-1295 No DAC

30ml contains 4mg CJC-1295 No DAC

421 in stock

First time customer gets 15% discount code = 1storder

CJC-1295 No DAC Nasal Spray Greece

CJC-1295 No DAC nasal spray is a synthetic analogue with 30 amino acids that is also called growth hormone releasing factor (GRF1-29). It is also considered as one of the most effective growth hormones.

The CJC1295 without DAC can also be administered through injection. Greece Laboratory studies have shown that  CJC1295 without DAC could boost lean muscle mass, increase muscle strength, and induce fat burning. CJC-1295 No DAC nasal spray could help to boost the rate of the protein synthesis within the body. Additionally, it also helps to increase the immune system and  improve skin complexion and elasticity.

Greece Animal studies indicate that this peptide can help regain energy faster after heavy exercise or workout. Furthermore, it helps to enhance the rate of injury recovery. This peptide is also applicable for cellular repairs including skin and organs. This product is also effective to strengthen your bones by increasing its density.

The difference between the Greece CJC1295 with DAC and CJC 1295 without DAC (also called as MOD GRF 1-29) is that the GH release pulse utilization is lower than the CJC-1295 with DAC. DAC means Drug Affinity Complex.

CJC-1295 No DAC Nasal Spray Benefits Greece

Maximise Protein Synthesis

Without the ability of CJC-1295 to withstand enzyme degradation and stimulate Growth Hormone release, a cascade of processes results in increased protein synthesis in animal research subjects.

Reduce adipose tissue

Lipolysis is the process by which adipose tissue or fat is broken down. Without DAC, CJC 1295 has been shown to accelerate this process, resulting in its ability to reduce body fat.

Speed Up Wound Healing

Wound healing is a multi-step process involving a variety of proteins. CJC-1295’s ability to maximise protein synthesis in the absence of DAC aids in this process. In addition, CJC-1295 treated rats had a faster rate of wound healing than control rats in studies.

Increased Bone Density

CJC-1295 no DAC nasal spray has been shown to enhance bone mineral matter per square inch in animal testing. Additionally, it decreased the likelihood of fractures, breaks, and other bone-related issues.

Anti-aging Properties

Greece Studies have discovered that CJC-1295 No DAC nasal spray has potential anti-aging and rejuvenating properties, due to it’s positive effect on skin health, thus promoting a sense of vitality and fresh looking appearance.

There is the option Greece to buy CJC 1295 no DAC Peptide Vial and buy CJC 1295 no DAC Pre Mixed Peptide Pen.


[1] https://www.physiology.org/doi/ full/10.1152/ajpendo.00201.2006

Sequence: Tyr-D-Ala-Asp-Ala-Ile-Phe-Thr-Gln-Ser-Tyr-Arg-Lys-Val-Leu-Ala-Gln-Leu-Ser-Ala-Arg-Lys-Leu-Leu-Gln-Asp-Ile-Leu-Ser-Arg–NH2

Molecular Formula: C152H252N44O42


CJC-1295 no DAC HPLC Certificate


Disclaimer: We do not supply sarms or peptides to any individual under the age of 21. You must be a licensed and qualified healthcare practitioner. Our team of dedicated professionals are committed to providing an extensive range of products used ONLY in the process of laboratory research by responsible trained and professional individuals. All products listed on this website (direct-sarms.com) and provided through Direct Sarms are intended for laboratory research purposes only. The products listed on this website are NOT for human or animal consumption or ingestion of any kind.